Walking in the hall of a high school the first thing you may realize is there are pregnant girls around. Girls that you thought would never be having a child so young. Have you ever wondered what runs through the mind of a teenager that has a child or is about to be a mother?
I wanted to go into my topic and I find out how it is being a teenage mother. I went into the local mall and saw what a teenage mother goes through. When I walked into the mall all eyes looked at me. People would stop and ask me if that was my child and when I would respond yes they would look at me with sadness and asked me if I was alright and had any help with raising her. Now with the guys in the mall that would normally come and see who I was or maybe get my number looked at me as a whole different person.
A teenager who is sexually active has a 50 percent chance of having a baby. Those that use protection have less of a chance of not having a child and that means that they use either birth control, condoms of any type. In high school there are over 80 percent of teenagers that are sexually active 20 percent are either thinking about it or waiting for marriage. In Sierra high school there many teenagers that are pregnant or have a child at home.
Ruth is a senior in high school. She has a young son. She is raising him all by herself. She has no support from the father or from her parents. At this moment she is living with her friends.
Brianana is also a senior, she is not yet a mother but a mother to be she is waiting for her baby to come into this world. Brianana is going to be having help with her boyfriend and family by her side Ruth wanted to have 6 kids and she says after having this one child shows her that being a single parent is one of the hardest things possible and she is done with having kids for a long while.
Now dating when having a child you think would be just like dating if you don’t have a child but for Ruth she says after a week of dating a guy they want to have sex that they just expect it out of her because she has a kid. Ruth is one of the many moms in sierra and her advice is “Wait until you’re done with college because being a teenage mom is very hard “says Ruth. “If I could give any one advice with having a baby in high school it is to just wait until you are completely sure that your ready “says Brianana
Brianna says most teenagers in high school when they get pregnant are mostly shocked at the fact that they are going to have a baby but then they get used to that fact that there is going to be a little one coming. Most of the teenagers in high school will tell you to wait until you are positive that you are ready to have a baby. That having a child at a young age is not the easiest thing to do. You lose your freedom you become an adult faster.
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